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gamescom 2016

16 September 2016 @ 8:00 am 21 September 2016 @ 5:00 pm

For the third time in a row we were part of gamescom, but this year we were more active than ever. On Thursday and Friday we were part of the schedule. First of all we were guest at Marco Risch from Nerdkultur whom we visited last year. Nerdkultur, den wir bereits letztes Jahr besucht hatten.

Thursday and Friday afternoon we presented the world of the lightsabers for half an hour. Alex, Dino, Hannes and Markus demonstrated some choreography, while Tim narrated basic information about us, our activities and the development of lightsaber combats. Some Padawans were allowed to handle a lightsaber and learn the basics on stage.

By chance Tommy Krappweis and Fabian Siegismund from the official gamescom livestream came to the stage and a small lightsaber combat flared up for great entertainment. After our performances we stayed at the Cosplay-Village and chatted with cosplayers, spectators and fans. The two days passed rapidly, but were full of fun!

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