Johannes Reil

Seit Hannes im Jahr 2011 bei den Star Wars Tagen im Legoland Deutschland das Team Saberproject persönlich kennengelernt und zum ersten Mal live erlebt hat, ist er ein großer Fan und treuer Unterstützer und Helfer des Teams.
Nachdem er die Jahre über regelmäßig bei großen Events tatkräftig mitgeholfen hatte, egal ob hinter dem Stand oder Fotos schießend im Publikum bei einer unserer Shows, folgte 2014 der erste große Schritt ins Team und für Hannes ging ein langersehnter Traum in Erfüllung: Er wurde Teil der Bühnenshow.
Since Hannes got to know the team at the Star Wars Day in Legoland Germany and experienced it live he is a big fan and assistant of the Team. After supporting it for many years with helping out at the booth or taking photos in the audience during the show, he was on stage for the first time in 2014. A big dream had become true. After a successful year he officially became part of the Team. So, the long wait was worth it. Now he can enthuse others and mostly kids with his passion and, as part of the team, do his bit.

If there is no event Hannes cares about video editing for our trailers or tutorials. He is also responsible for the maintenance of our social network and planning updates with Tim. On stage Hannes is in the role of a Sith who wants to destroy the last remaining Jedi.

More about Hannes

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